Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Countdown

As you can see, we are on the countdown to the end of school. We are all so ready! Kelsie does have some fun things coming up at school - free dress and Chick fil A at school next week and a trip to the movie theatre next Friday to see Prince Caspian since her class is finishing up reading it. Wayne and I are looking forward to the 22nd (which is the last day of school) b/c we are going to the Colonial. Wayne and I are going on Thursday and then he will take Kelsie on Friday as I finish up my work at FBC Aledo (literally, that is my last day). So, as things wind down we are looking forward to the summer, the pool, time off, reading, VBS, camp, family reunions and just having time to hang out. Hope you are looking forward to a good summer.


Barb said...

I'm looking forward to summer too, especially a trip to the beach with a bunch of friends next week. Should be lots of fun. Unfortunately, this summer I have to spend lots of time studying for comps. But I plan to enjoy the summer too. Hope we're able to get together sometime soon.

Genny said...

Yea, summer! My girls will be officially finished next Wednesday. School was finished today with finals only next week. I'm definitely ready to be working on my tan.