Thursday, March 27, 2008

No Longer a Secret

What has been a secret is no longer. Wayne announced to the Wedgworship family last night that we are going to FBC Prosper for the completion of the strange hiring process Baptist churches go through when calling a minister. It's called "in view of a call" and basically that means we will go for the weekend including leading worship on Sunday and the church will then say "yay" or "nay." We tell you before it's a "done deal" b/c we hate secrets - just being gone one Sunday doesn't seem fair and telling a little while lie like, "oh, we are going out of town for a vacation" is really not characteristic of us at all. So, while there is a little risk involved in telling you (b/c they could vote nay), we tell our family the truth so you can walk some of this road with us. Pray for us this weekend, we start with rehearsals and get togethers on Friday.

You should know this has been a painful process, personally. I could not imagine leaving when Wayne first mentioned it to me. I blew it off at first and if I'm totally honest, there are many days I still can't picture myself somewhere else. However, God has taught me so many things about faith and trust during this process. You see, I am somewhat of a control freak - I like to take care of things my way. I like for things to line up in order and be visible as far as my eye can see. I like logic. Admittedly, I do like change but this is not a change I was open to at all. I have done my share of thrashing around with God, arguing, begging, and fighting it but in the end I have learned some things.
  • Sometimes obedience is painful.
  • Sometimes comfortable is not a long term place to be the most effective in the kingdom.
  • God moves people physically to accomplish specific things (Abraham and Moses are good examples).
  • God goes before His people and prepares things - He doesn't ask you to do things in your own strength.
  • Surrender is difficult - totally trusting in God alone and my small sacrifices are NOTHING compared to Christ giving up his heavenly throne for an earthly life to be a once and for all sacrifice for my sin. Talk about total trust in the Father.
  • My flesh doesn't want to trust anyone but me - I am learning how much more trustworthy God is - more wise, more loving, more strategic, more just, more able to provide, all knowing, sovereign......
  • My personal worship is sweeter in times of greater dependence and brokenness.

One last note - we have LOVED Wedgwood. When we came to Wedgwood 3 1/2 years ago we were beaten down after our last church experience. We came to a church that loves God, understood brokenness, loved our family, accepted us and most importantly has a desire to worship! So, together we took this journey of understanding more about daily worship, learning that being a part of expanding God's kingdom is our calling as worship leaders, that singing or playing is not just a hobby but a calling on our lives for God's glory and for His purposes. We have laughed, cried, laughed some more, made beautiful music, made not so beautiful music, celebrated births and homegoings, shared Lord's Supper, shared difficulties and come together to bear each others burdens and joys. Most of all, we worshipped together! That's huge - so many churches don't corporately get how to do that - how to be vulnerable before God and each other, how to really pray over one another, how to get that up close and personal - but Wedgwood and especially our Wedgworship family, you get it! Truthfully, we have been comfortable at Wedgwood. We love you and it's hard to understand God moving us to a whole new thing and from a worldly perspective it makes NO SENSE - believe me, I have reasoned it to death! But, we believe that being with you has made us better. So, on that note - Once a Wedgie, always a Wedgie. We love you and will savor the next 3 weeks with you! Let's enjoy it!


Lydia said...

So sad to hear! But exciting at the same time. As a minister's kid, I remember the "out of town on vacation" white lies, and I'm glad that you chose not to go that way.

I do pray that both the church and your family will be strongly impressed with God's will for your lives, and that the transition will be smooth. I've always felt that leaving a church kind of felt like a divorce (from that statement you know we were in those churches that left us beaten down). But it wasn't just a job change; it was a life change. Leaving everything you love behind and starting over.

So I pray you will make new friends quickly, that your old friends will keep up with you, and that in it all you have the peace that comes from knowing you are following God where He leads.

Barb said...

Well, I have to say that this is a sad day, and we will truly miss you guys. Now who am I going to talk with during choir rehearsal?!?! The second sopranos won't be the same without you, Amy. I have truly appreciated your friendship and am so sad to see you leave.

But at the same time I pray that God will honor you for following Him in such a hard decision, and that you will be able to plant a part of Wedgwood's worship in the new church. We want you guys here, but we want you in the center of God's will more, so we'll let you go (not that we have a choice!). Let's make the most of these next few weeks though, okay?