Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday Sickness

Well, as I type it's Easter Sunday morning and Kelsie and I are at home! Yesterday afternoon Kelsie complained that she had a headache and sore throat but we thought maybe she had too much sun the last few days (has a little pink face). We went on with our day and she didn't say anything else until we got ready to go to church for rehearsal Saturday night. She said again her throat hurt so on our way to church I stopped at Sonic and got her an slush but not thinking much about it beyond that. After rehearsal when we got home around 8:30 p.m., she wanted to go to bed. We knew something was up then so we checked it out further and her throat was yucky (looking with a flashlight) and she had 100.5 fever. So we started Motrin and amoxicillian which we thankfully had from when we went on vacation and I had been sick so her doc called it in for her in case she started with the same symptoms while we were out of town. The expiration date was August, 08 so we started on that too. After giving her Motrin every 4 hours during the night, this a.m. she is a little better but still had fever and did not feel like getting dressed but she was upset about not wearing her Easter dress - she said she just would wear it next week. She and Morgan got pedicures this week for Easter - hope it lasts all week so her toes will still be pretty. We have Night of Praise tonight with Anthony Evans so my strategy is to let her stay home this a.m. and rest while giving her more meds and then be able to make it tonight. Her Mamaw (Wayne's mom) is coming so she can sit with her and stay away from hugging her friends at church. Poor Kelsie - she said this morning - "why do I have to be sick on Easter?" We are still going to have our own worship time this morning to celebrate what God has done for us - Hope your celebration time was blessed. Happy Easter - more about Spring Break later.

1 comment:

Barb said...

we missed you this morning, but glad you were able to make it tonight. Hope Kelsie feels better soon.