Monday, March 10, 2008

A Big Mistake

I forgot to add that on Friday I made a BIG mistake. My cell phone has been acting up so I went into the AT&T store with Wayne and Kelsie to find out what I could get with my upgrade. Wayne had mentioned the iphone before Christmas but of course I ignored him b/c of the price and the fact that he already has an ipod which is a big feature of it - all if one kinda deal. Anyway, we went into the store and they had iphones you could play with, text, surf the web, etc. That phone ROCKS! It SOOOOOOOOO made me want one and made Wayne want one even more than he already did before. But, since they sell for $399 each, it was a little out of our budget to spend $800 on phones that day. I have resolved now that a different phone will be just fine, that I do not NEED an iphone but I did find myself having covetous thoughts on Friday night as I watched two 17 year old girls sitting at the table across from us in the restaurant playing with their iphones. AH, to be 17 with no bills, no obligations, the freedom to spend my babysitting money on whatever I want! Well, here's to dreaming.

1 comment:

Shane said...

I have purposefully distanced myself from ever getting close to an iPhone. I am just kidding, but I do not want one. This is a great story. It made me laugh that you had afterthoughts of the iPhone after experiencing it.