Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Get out your ARK!

Rain, Rain Go Away - our trip to Six Flags today was obviously cancelled because it started raining last night and hasn't really stopped yet. So, we changed our plans and Kelsie went to Chuck E Cheese with Morgan and played while Wayne and I cleaned carpets at our house in order to get ready for our Thursday night easter egg hunt with K's friends. We are planning to cook out and let the girls hunt eggs after dark - should be fun - we are looking forward to it. So, even though we were bummed that Six Flags didn't happen today, we still have some other fun things planned. We are going to try and go to the stockyards tomorrow for the cattle drive they do, there are some extra activities like a petting zoo. I am hoping the weather will cooperate - keep you updated.


Barb said...

Your spring break sounds a lot more exciting than mine - writing, work, more writing. But the paper's almost finished (just formatting left), so I should be able to enjoy the rest of the break and focus on what really matters as we enter Easter weekend. Look forward to see you Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Barb - glad you are feeling better! See you Sunday. amy b