Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I don't really even know what to title this one. I can just say that leaving Wedgwood on Sunday was so difficult, but even more is the day after. The realization that this part of your life is over and you are moving on, like it or not. So, yesterday after going to a printer demonstration for work yesterday in Hurst, I went to North East Mall on my way home for some retail therapy. It was nice to walk the mall and leisurely shop without someone saying "hey, mom look at this" or "can I have....?" I took my time and went into a few stores at my own pace, ate lunch at the food court (by myself - shocking I know) and enjoyed being "away" a little. Last night at home we worked on a project Kelsie had to turn in today for school and just grilled out and had dinner together as a family. Wayne went last night and loaded up all his boxes in his office to take to Prosper today. He said he turned in all his keys (more finality) and the only thing he has left to do is transfer his computer files and turn in his computer which he will do sometime this week at the Apple store (he got a Mac Book Pro - lucky). Today I am having lunch with Barb and Genny and working from home. I still haven't been able to read all the letters yet - Wayne has read every one and relayed a few funny ones to me. Kelsie wanted me to see the notes she got from the kids in choir - they were sweet. I know we will still be "around" for a while but not "a part" of you anymore- that makes me sad. I am counting on "once a wedgie, always a wedgie" being true and clinging to "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way. Though he may fall, he is not utterly cast down for the Lord upholds him in His hand" Psalm 37:23-24.


Barb said...

I wish we had been able to do lunch today. I was very said that we had to postpone.

Retail therapy sounds great. I hope it helped ease the pain somewhat. Try not to dwell on what you're leaving and instead think about the good that you're going to. Remember, all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28). As hard as it is, if you are following His leading, then I trust that He will get you through this hard time and bring you through to times of laughter and joy (and the same is true for us as we miss you and your family).

See you next week sometime. I'll let you know when Genny checks her calendar. In the meantime, I'm praying for you guys.

Genny said...

You're making me cry! I'm so sorry to be sick and mess up lunch today. Let's plan on next Monday. Know that someone understands your sadness and is praying for you.

Barb said...

by the way, I've been torturing myself by listening to the wedgwood cd's today. But "The Final Word" just came on and it really hit home. It's very encouraging -

The Father has the final word,
He has the final word,
Even though your faith has found the shifting sand.
The Father knows right where you are,
Even though the way is hard,
And His word inside your heart stands to proclaim,
Every promise that He's made,
Not a one will ever change,
And this trial you face is working for your good,
The Father has the final word.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the scripture. I needed to be reminded of that one. We miss you too, but our blessings are with you as you go. Don't forget, Wedgies are like those odd family members who show up at the unlikeliest of times...

Bartley Family said...

That's okay about lunch - I completely understand Genny being sick - hope you feel better soon! We will catch up next week and maybe that's a blessing - maybe I will be back to my normal self by then.

Anonymous said...

Girl - I remember all those emotions like it was yesterday! I wish I could just fast forward life for you - a couple months - so you could skip this hard part of ministry. But, one of the things that excites me is how deeply you guys love! I'm sitting here 15 months after a hard move, more happy than I've ever been. God WILL bless obedience! God WILL sustain friendships there at Wedgewood. And God WILL continue to bless Wayne's ministry and your family!! (Matthew 19:29) I know this won't help this week, but I still want you to know, that the people in Prosper are so excited about you guys coming and are ready to welcome you with open arms!! I am praying for you during this difficult time!!

Barb said...

missed you tonight at choir. hope you are doing better.

Genny said...

I missed Wayne at choir. I'll tell you more about that at lunch next week!

Barb said...

Okay, Genny has a point. We missed you BOTH. And yea, lunch next week. Nobody get sick!

Margie said...

Once a Wedgie, always a Wedgie! Tim & I will be transitioning ourselves. He was accepted into Univ. of Dallas' PhD program, full-tuition scholarship! We will be looking for a new church home and I know we're going to miss this place too. It has been kind of crazy lately and I didn't have the opportunity to write you guys. Know the Media team misses you, but happy about your new opps!