Thursday, January 24, 2008

Plethora of Pictures

So many pics to share now that I am no longer afraid to dump them onto my computer. So, here is post #1 of several more to come to catch up on all the times I promised to post pics soon.

Another piece of news, Kelsie has the flu so as you read this say a little prayer for her to begin getting better. She has had fever since Tuesday. We did see the doc on Wednesday morning but he said to keep doing what we were already doing to treat it. She had a bad night last night and started showing signs of getting better this evening but then had a low grade fever again right before bed. We are praying her fever will break tonight and she will begin healing. She has missed a week of school and I am afraid she is getting really behind - we will have a ton of catching up to do on Monday. We thought that today she would feel like doing some work but she just didn't have the energy. The bummer is that she has a basketball game and an ice skating birthday party on Saturday and she was invited to the rodeo on Sunday night with Morgan's family, so I hope she will get to do those things after the yucky week she just had but we will have to see how things go tomorrow.

There we are in front of Texas Stadium on the walk up. A BEAUTIFUL day!

Greg Ellis (taken through the fence - can you say papparazzi) walking up to the stadium after he parked. It was fun to see these players up close and personal even if there was a chain link fence between us.

All 4 of us at the stadium in our Cowboy white.

They honored the military this day and so this particular group of military held the flag - it was a good pre game show - look at all the fans in white.

The Jessica's from New York. These were the fans that sat behind us - they were funny so I had to take the pic.

On New Year's Day while we were at home hanging out , Kelsie and Morgan played Santa/Reindeer. Kelsie is Santa and Morgan the reindeer the first time and then they switched. They were so creative presenting their little skit.

Now Morgan is Santa and instead of a sleigh she is just riding Rudolph. Cute - look at their sack of toys. Funny girls!


Lydia said...

Hooray! Pictures! The Cowboys game looks awesome!

Barb said...

Yeah, pictures! I'm glad to see them. I'm praying Kelsie feels better soon, though I'm not so sure about her skipping choir to go to the rodeo. Hmm... =)

Margie said...

Great pictures! Esp. the cowboy stadium stuff!