Saturday, January 05, 2008

Movie Reviews

Those of you that know us well, know that we are not movie buffs. I don't know why, we just don't really go to the movies very often but during the holidays we took K to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and today went to see the new "National Treasure" movie. So, here is my amateur review. Alvin was pretty cute, Kelsie seemed to enjoy it. It got a little annoying but the story about family was a good one. National Treasure was better, but probably over K's head in some places since she hasn't studied American History yet. She did recognize many places and names of Presidents and we did a little whispering to her in the movie. She said she liked the movie though and it was pretty exciting like the first one.

As we are slowly getting back into the normal schedule of life, I realized this week how thankful I am that Kelsie has not started back to school. Wayne went back to work on Wednesday and I worked at home and tried to get caught up on stuff at home. New Year's Day was a great day at home but I promised myself I would get some things done on Wednesday. I completed many of the tasks on my list but not everything and as the week progressed we were slowly getting back into a schedule of working and chores. But, it's not all work and chores we made time for playing games with Kelsie while one of the hundreds of football games was on TV and had friends over for dinner on Friday night which was an evening of good food, good conversation and laughter. So, I have worked toward one of my New Year's Resolutions. Even with good intentions, I couldn't jump into a weekly exercise routine last week but now that we are back to life I am going to try and ease into it this coming week. I'll keep you posted.


Genny said...

Yes, I'm going to be working on the diet/exercise routine this week myself. My girls go back to school on Monday, and let me tell you we are going to be in for a huge shock. Late nights...sleeping in...bad habits...

Shane said...

i officially started my workout/healthy eating routine - doing a 6 month program with a buddy - we have set it up where it is like a competition with consequences and rewards.

kim and i joined a gym a week ago and i have been to play racquetball twice - my buddy and i are going to work out 3 times a week at 6am

other things on our list is that we have to eat breakfast (something i rarely do), drink 64 ounces of water, stay within our calories (mine is 2100-2400 based on my size), and no carbs after 8pm.

each time we miss one of these goals, we fork over a dollar - and then give it to voice of the martyrs or some ministry.

i am looking forward to this although i have moderately tried this in the past - when i got a physical recently and was healthy barring the 65 pounds i need to lose, it was a wake up call.

so i am waking up - and doing what i need to face the reality of my overeating former years and move on to healthier ways.