Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

I am amazed at how fast Christmas is approaching. I am usually so prepared and have by now purchased most of my gifts, given some thought to the cards and picture we will be sending out and probably would even have some wrapped gifts already under the tree. This year has been different but now my house has been transformed from Fall leaves to Christmas. I love Christmas lights. The tree is up, the stockings are hung (the mantel is still not fully decorated yet) and the village has been put up again and Mariah Carey is loaded on the ipod. We have part of our outside lights up - the icicle lights will hopefully go up this weekend at some point. Kelsie's Christmas musical at church is Saturday and Sunday and the fam is coming into town to see her. I have purchased a few gifts but have given no thought at all to cards or wrapping. Well, no stress - Christmas season is fun. Parties, shopping, lights, cards in the mail and touching base with friends. But, even with all of that stuff - Christmas is a great time to reflect on what it means that Christ chose to come to earth as a baby and gave up living in heaven in order to make a way for the forgiveness of my sin. I admit - I do love the commercialism of Christmas - all the hustle-bustle and even Santa Clause but mostly I love the God who loved us so much that He sent to earth His Son. It's the reason we are happy and hopeful this time of year - it's Christ! So, as you enjoy all the memories, the songs, the food, the shopping, the cards, and the lights - remember to worship in all things, giving thanks to God that we have a reason to celebrate. Merry Christmas!


Genny said...

Wow...I'm jealous of all you have done. Katherine set up our village, but that's about it. Until the musical is over, everyone in our house knows the answer to "When are we going to _________?" is...DECEMBER 4th!

I can't wait to do some shopping. Have not bought a single gift yet.

Lydia said...

Amy, I feel the same way! How did Christmas get here so quickly? I think I'm off because of the abnormal weather.

So, despite feeling like it wasn't time, I put on the Christmas carols and got the tree up last weekend. What really helped was a new "cinnamon spice" wallflower I got from Bath & Body Works that smells oh-so-yummy-and-Christmasy.

This weekend I hope to tackle the lights! It's a project I share with my duplex neighbor, so I'm looking forward to it!

Barb said...

Yes, it is beginning to look like Christmas, and I'm loving it. My tree is up and the nativity is set on my entertainment center, but that's the extent of my decorating. Of course, I've been listening to Christmas music since September, so I'm definitely in the spirit. Now if I can just get through this weekend... Then I can actually ENJOY the Christmas season!

Caleb said...
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Stephanie said...

Hey Amy,
Could you email me your email address? I'm not sure I have the right one.

Stephanie Mackey