Saturday, December 08, 2007

Programs, Programs, Programs........

Sunday night was the last night of "Christmas in Reverse" and it was so good. Very well done from the beginning to the end - I was so proud of our kids. The message was evangelistic and I felt like each kid knew why they were presenting it. I had the privilege of making the angels look glittery - very fun with the glitter hairspray and powder. The girls were very pretty and it was funny to watch them try to eat their snack dinner on Sunday night dressed in all white with adults begging them not to wipe their cheesy hands on their costumes. Tuesday night (we found out late) was Kelsie's recitation at school. It was one of those programs where the kids from each grade is reciting something and it takes longer to get them on and off the stage than it does to actually do their little part. I have accepted that it's part of being a parent to endure those kind of nights and Kelsie's class did a cute presentation about Romans and Greeks (what they are learning in History). Friday night was the Point of Grace Christmas concert at McKinney Memorial. Our praise teams got invited to sing with them for the second half of the concert. It was fun, the girls from Point of Grace were down to earth and well, gracious. The concert was very good and even Kelsie enjoyed it - it didn't hurt that Frosty, Santa and Rudolph showed up at one point. Of course, during all this is also Celebrate Christmas. Wedgwood's involvement is that we are in charge of one scene this year - a large scene. We drove through tonight and Wayne has been working on it for a while to coordinate everything. It looked great and we are so happy that Tarrant Net has taken it on and expanded it. As of the end of tonight, 2500 people have driven through and 23 people have accepted Christ! They received the BEST Christmas gift this year. As I look forward to Christmas and check my "to do" list, I must remind myself to focus on WHY we are celebrating - Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby to complete God's plan for my salvation. I'm happy for a hopeful and joyous Christmas season. Merry Christmas to you and may you have the joy of Christ this season.

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