Friday, August 03, 2007

On the Road Again

This week has been a little crazy in between trips. We started off the week going to the doc for stuffy heads, sore throats and general yucky feelings. We got meds and are all on the mend. Needless to say, missing Monday through Wednesday at work put me really behind but thankfully with my laptop it was easy for me to work from home. So, now we are all caught up and ready for vacation. We have a new parent orientation on Sat. for K's new school and then a regular Sunday - then we're off to DeGray State Park in Arkansas with the Watson fam. We are very excited about getting away from it all - spending time on the boat and just relaxing. I'll let you know when we get back and fill you in with pics and stuff of our trip. For now, laundry and general house cleaning calls.


Genny said...

Wow...our week could be a double of yours -- back and forth to camps, with visits to the dr. for z-packs and cortisone shots. And, we're off on vacation this week, too. Hope you have a blessed week full of rest and good times.

Stephanie said...

Have a great trip!