Wednesday, April 25, 2007

More pictures

Kelsie and Wayne at the Daddy/Daughter Western Dinner at church.
Lauren, Christa and Kelsie having a snack at the kids all day Saturday practice.

Kelsie in her group at practice, rehearsing their part.

Our week has flown by and our weather yesterday was crazy with tornados all around and sirens going off but we were just fine at our house - lots of rain and wind but nothing more than that. Anyway, here are some pictures sent to me from someone else's camera at church. I thought I would share it with you. Grammy, Nana, EE and Hailey are coming to town on Friday. We haven't seen everyone since Hailey's b-day in February. We are all excited that they are coming. Hope you have a good week.
By the way, Morning of Praise was GREAT! The best part of the morning was a prayer time we had where people prayed in many different languages. It was such a sweet time and then we sang "Hallelujah to the Lamb."....."Lord, we stand in the midst of a multitude, of those from every tribe and tongue, we are your people, called by your name, humbly we bow and we pray..." Well, I could go on - such a great song. The focus was God and who He is - great, mighty, loving, personal, just, and worthy to be praised. We are blessed to serve here among people who truly love God. I hope to have some pictures as a guy in our YCAM took some at rehearsal and in the second service. I will post them if I get them........more soon.

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