Monday, April 16, 2007

Lots of Different Stuff

None of this information really goes together, but here it is anyway.....
  • "The Office" is hilarious! Some friends from church have the DVD sets of Seasons 1 and 2 and they brought them over on Friday night and I'm officially hooked on it. It's kinda random and you have to watch a few of them to get into it - but it's FUNNY!
  • Little kids catch on to video games much faster than adults! We had some friends from church over Sat. night to cook out burgers and let the kids play - the intention being that they play outside but it was too cold so they were in. We turned on the Wii for them to play and the little 5 year old caught on super fast and beat the adults in bowling!
  • Wayne and I had our first experience with "Pink Floyd" last night. Literally, we went to a concert called "The Pink Floyd Experience." We went with a couple from church - Tom and Kathy - Tom plays guitar in the band and is our Bible Study Leader. The band guys are always talking about Pink Floyd so when we saw the concert we decided to see what all the hoopla was about. The first half was pretty good but the second half was great - more familiar songs and they fixed a few sound things in between sets that made it more pleasurable to hear.
  • We are having our first Morning of Praise at Wedgwood this Sunday (we usually do Night of Praise). Tonight's rehearsal went really well and seeing it all come together is exciting. It's a phenomenon that you can practice these songs a zillion times in your car, house, etc - but when people come together and pour their hearts out to God in singing, it becomes new again. There is something about being one part of a large voice declaring the truth of God - who He is and glorifying His name. I can't wait for Sunday - really I'm just as excited about Sat night's rehearsal too.
  • Kelsie has a musical at school tomorrow. She is really excited, she is singing a little duet and gets to wear a biblical costume. I will share pictures tomorrow or Friday.
  • Friends are so valuable!! The other night, Donna (a friend of mine in Keller, we have been friends for about 9-10 years) called and she was over here doing some things for her in-laws. Anyway, she needed a break and wanted to go out to eat, just us girls. I had already started on dinner so I just left instructions for Wayne on how to finish it up once they got home from swim at the Y - he was great about it. It was just fun to catch up and laugh over dinner. We didn't stay too long b/c she needed to get home and I had things to do with my family, but just those few moments to be girls is so needed sometimes. THANKS Donna!

Well, that's all the ramblings I have for now - I hope to post pics of Kelsie's play tomorrow night or Friday. Hope you are having a good week.

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