Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Break is over

I am sad to report that our Spring Break is officially over. Kelsie went back to school on Monday and Wayne back to work. I went back on Tuesday and we were suddenly thrust back into regular life - homework, meetings, deadlines, phone calls and e-mails. Well, we are blessed - busy life or leisurely. Okay, so here is the last detail of our final Spring Break days. On Saturday we went to breakfast together (which we never get to do) and did a little shopping in preparation for our yard work and refinishing of Kelsie's play structure which was in desperate need of a makeover. On Sunday we were planning to go to Six Flags but since we didn't finish the refinishing project Saturday, we decided that we could visit Six Flags anytime so we stayed home and finished all the work then cooked out and enjoyed being at home. Here are some pictures of our yard work and refinishing project. Hope you enjoyed our little Spring Break journal. We will try and keep you posted on our other happenings. Happy Spring - today is officially the first day and we had the appropriate springtime storms today.

Kelsie LOVED painting - she had such a good time actively participating in our project.

What a mess?

Kelsie wrote on her chalkboard "We are done!"

A flower we saw at the Botanical Gardens - I saw them in Dallas and had to plant them in my own garden. I loved these colors.

Flower bed plants.

Interesting daisies we found - I loved these and so did Kelsie so we had to plant them.

This a picture of a blackberry bush I planted. Wayne made fun of if because it's basically a stick in the ground. I'm optimistic that next year we will have lots of berries to enjoy and share.


Stephanie said...

It looks like you guys had a fun filled spring break. Glad to see via the blog you guys are doing well. Kelsie is growing up so fast!

Barb said...

I enjoyed hearing about your spring break. Sounds like you had a very busy but enjoyable one. It's strange to see yall in shorts and t'shirts when I'm wearing winter coats, scarves, and avoiding going out in the snow. Please, spring, come to Aberdeen soon!