Friday, February 27, 2009

Basketball Injuries

We were unlucky enough this week to have a couple of basketball injuries in the family. On Saturday, the girls played a GREAT game and won 16-8 but Kelsie had a very bruised up arm after having it stepped on in a pile of girls fighting for the ball. Way to be agressive! It bothered her for a few days but there wasn't any swelling and very little bruising. Her coach (who is also a personal trainer) said he thought it was a possible muscle bruise and to watch for swelling and/or radiating pain. The soreness lasted until about Wednesday but nothing a little ibuprofen couldn't handle. This coming week is our last game of the regular season and we play the best team in the league so we decided to have a little extra practice time on our own. So, Monday night we met the Alfords at the church (outside concrete court) to run some drills with the girls and play 3 on 3 - Bartleys vs. Alfords. We had a great time playing and we all laughed about how tired we were going to be that night! On Tuesday we thought it would be fun to play again on Tuesday night so we met up at the church again to play. This time it was the moms and girls scrimmaging and Wayne was the ref. After a pretty little lay up, I landed half on the concrete and half on the ground and couldn't get my balance (getting old!) and twisted my ankle. It was sore at first but I didn't think it was that bad until I felt like I was about to pass out. After that passed, I moved to a spot to sit out and watch and felt nauseated again. I knew something was wrong, the ankle was immediately swelling and bruising. So, we went to Care Now to get it looked at and after an x-ray (and a few more waves of nausea) it was not broken or fractured. They wrapped it and sent me home with instructions, crutches and drugs! I was a very good patient on Wednesday - doing everything I was told in hopes that the next day everything would be back to normal - didn't happen. It is getting better but I still can't step down on it so I am still on crutches which is a HUGE pain! I guess that's one way of getting out of doing the laundry. Kelsie and Wayne have been great - they have been spoiling me! I think the plan is to see an ortho if it's not better by Monday but I think it's getting better every day - even though it looks pretty UGLY right now.

On a more positive note - the house is coming along. This week we got a port-o-potty on the property, which means that it's now suitable for working on. Today was the day we did our initial selections. We still have a few more things to decide on but it was super fun to pick from all those choices. Also today the forms were there today for the foundation so progress is being made! YAY! It's so nice to live close and watch the progress every day.

This Saturday is Serve Prosper (see link on sidebar if you want to know more). We are excited about how many people and sponsors have gotten involved. How exciting to see our community coming together to serve each other. Should be fun.

Thankful list for the week:
  1. That my husband and daughter love me enough to tend to me with mercy and compassion (that is not my strong thing so I appreciate it in them, even if it is hard to receive).
  2. My little 3 and 4 year olds singing "Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes, Lord" - they are so cute and I love that they are so willing to sing out to God at such a young age.
  3. The celebration choir we had last week (we did a choir last week for something fun and new - we sang "Cover the Earth"). It was truly worshipful and lots of fun!
  4. Good friends - we loved having the Kemners last weekend even if for a short time. We love catching up with life long friends.
  5. God's healing grace - several friends came through surgeries this week with flying colors. Thank you God for being our Great Physician.

I hope you have experienced the presence of God this week. Love to hear from you! More later.

1 comment:

Genny said...

I admire you for even playing. Sorry about the injury and pray you are better soon.