Sunday, October 05, 2008


Wayne and the Ecuador team got back yesterday afternoon around 6 p.m.  He was not expecting us to pick him at the airport but SURPRISE!! we were there.  Our original plan was to go to San Angelo on Friday and come back on Sunday but when we realized that the team was getting back so early, we decided to pick Wayne up at the airport and surprise him.  So, we went to San Angelo on Thursday after school and went straight to the airport on Saturday. Wayne was very surprised when he came through the door and saw us standing there.  He wanted to go to Sonic and get iced tea with ice (b/c they couldn't have ice all week) and so we drove through and came home to eat and look at all his pictures from the trip.  It was nice to have him home again and we enjoyed looking at all the pics and hearing about his days in Ecuador.  

Monday is Kelsie's birthday, she will be 10 - I can't believe it.  We went to San Angelo this weekend to celebrate with my family since my grandmother cannot travel right now due to having her surgery a few weeks ago.  We had a great time visiting with everyone even though it was a quick trip.  Kelsie requested grammy's mashed potatoes so we had grilled chicken with all the fixins including funfetti cake.  We will celebrate with her tomorrow by taking her lunch at school and opening presents after school is out.  On Friday at school, she will get to dance on stage at Rucker Rocks so we will be there to see her do that.  Next weekend, Wayne's family will come out to the farm house on Saturday to cook out and celebrate and then she will have a party with her friends a few weeks later when "High School Musical 3" opens.  So, I guess this year we will have a month full of birthday celebration which is okay for double digits.  

Other good news is that Kelsie made Honor Choir.  We got the letter on Thursday and she was really excited about it.  They get to sing at the town's Christmas event as well as other events throughout the year.  It should be lots of fun, we are proud of her!


Peas on Earth said...

Happy Birthday, Kelsie!! And congratulations on the Honor Choir! :-)

Barb said...

Well Sharon said exactly what I was going to say. So ditto - Happy Birthday and congrats!