Monday, October 06, 2008

Happy 10th, Kelsie

Happy Birthday, Kelsie.  Since you are 10, I thought I would make a top ten list of the things I love about you (in no particular order):
  1. You are sweet to other kids, especially little kids.
  2. You use your gifts in music to praise God.
  3. You love to cook and help in the kitchen.
  4. You like to help me pick out jewelry and shoes.
  5. You like to go and play golf with your dad.
  6. You love animals and are so responsible with Raider.
  7. You are not afraid to tell people about Jesus and your relationship with God.
  8. You have a heart for people in different places all over the world, especially kids.
  9. You are a leader.
  10. You are a good daughter and a good friend.  
We thank God for giving you to us.  We love you and can't believe you are 10 years old!  We are so proud of the young lady God is shaping you into.  We love you!  Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Pearl said...

Happy Birthday Kelsie! I know that I hardly know you but I feel like I do because of your moms blog! I hope that you have a wonderful day and know that you are loved by many!
Kim Miller