If you have seen my facebook profile you have seen that I refer to my situation at the farm house as technology hell. I say that because on July 10th, AT&T was suppose to transfer our home phone and internet service to the farm house from our Ft. Worth house. The technician showed up on time but said all he had was a phone order not an internet order and after calling to get the run around we were told that it would be a week. A week later, we still did not have service. So, without telling you all the gory details of the numerous phone calls made about this issue we still do not have phone or internet service at the farm house. The weird thing is that the Executive Pastor who lived there before us had AT&T internet and phone. The excuse given is that for some reason the order goes through and then gets dropped by the provisioning department due to no service available which is CRAZY!!! Even the technician is frustrated. We have finally been in communication with the local supervisor and she has put a lot of minutes on our phone bill to reimburse for the many minutes on the phone about this and we will probably get internet service free for the next 6 months IF they can ever get it going. We are about to resort to a mobile card.....so if it wasn't for the iphone I would not be able to update facebook and get e-mail. So, enough about that - on to other updates.
Kelsie's school - she started school last week with Mrs. Klingenburg. She really likes her teacher a lot. We have worked out her walking from the school to the church (there is a sidewalk that connects the church and the school) so we don't have to get in the monsterous car line. There is a separate, shorter car line at the church where I pick her up and she enjoys walking with the group that gets picked up there. Her favorite part so far has been the class job selection process. They had to choose a job, fill out an application and this week will complete their interview for the job they want. They get paid in Klingenburg Krone money for the job they do as well as for other good things they get caught doing and they can buy privileges to sit with a friend, etc.
We had a good Labor Day weekend. It started Friday night with the Prosper Eagles football game. By half time the score was 56 to 0 Prosper winning - a blow out, we left right after half time. Kelsie spent the night with her friend Allie and we were exhausted so we just went home to watch a movie and go to bed! Saturday morning we picked up Kelsie and another 3 friends to take them to a little girl's birthday party. Caroline was turning 4 and wanted the "big girls" to come and do make up, hair and nails. They were so cute being the big girls and so sweet watching the little girls do their tea party. While we did that, Wayne went to a work project with some men from church and he said they got a lot accomplished, I know he loves the ministry and fellowship of those kinds of things. After that, the girls went swimming and then we spent Saturday night just cooking out and hanging out at home. Sunday we had some wedgies visiting us at church and went to lunch with them. Sunday night we had Isabel's birthday party at the Gaylord so Kelsie had her friend Sara spent the night at the farm house with a babysitter. They had a great time and so did we. It was good to see everyone at dinner - it was a surprise party and we almost got caught. Wayne and I were going into the hotel lobby to get to the restaurant and there were the Shirley's and McLelland's standing at the elevator. Luckily, Isabel did not see us so we didn't blow the surprise. We ate at Ama Lur and just had a great time catching up with everyone. Happy Birthday Isabel! Monday we slept late and then went to the Griff's to swim and cook out. We all had a great time and it was good to just relax and visit with them.
We are looking forward to a busy week. I am substituting at the preschool here at the church this week - four year olds. It was a good day, a fun class. Friday night is our tailgate party since Prosper has an away game this week. Saturday we are headed back to Fort Worth for Stephanie's wedding and looking forward to that and Sunday marks the first day of Cowboy football season. Busy weeks ahead but fun and exciting, I will keep you posted as I have internet service in Wayne's office. Right now I must go pick up Kelsie at the sidewalk so I'd better get going - more soon.
Designer Winds and Name-brand Storms
10 years ago
Glad technology hell hasn't totally conquered you. Good to hear about your family.
Good to hear the update. Sounds like things are settling in for you, except the technology issues. Sorry to hear about that.
I thought technology hell was learning computer programs you had no clue how to use. What you are in sounds like typical AT&T service. I guess I had it all confused!
AT&T? Been there...done that.....got a different service. I'd recommend the same. As long as I have this old computer, we won't know technology HEAVEN - but we'll go with the catholics.....we must be in technology purgatory!
Call me....guess you heard that we have a lot to catch up on....I get a HUGE birthday gift this year....my inlaws move to Midland on that day! YIPEE!
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