Thursday, May 07, 2009

National Day of Prayer

This morning a group of people from the Town of Prosper gathered in recognition of The National Day of Prayer.  It was the first gathering in Prosper like this and it was a sweet time of prayer and community.  Warren Samuel spoke briefly and various leaders and ministers in town prayed for people in our community, our kids, town officials, and our nation.  There were 2 things I noticed this morning.  One was that we declared our NEED for God as we raise our children, as our community grows, and for wisdom and guidance in our country.  Another, and more important, an admission and recognition that it's not about us in this life - it's all about God and His purposes, His glory, His agenda, His kingdom.  How refreshing!  In a world where it tends to be all about where we live, where we work, what we accomplish and even what our church looks like or whatever measure you choose to measure "success," we needed a word that it's all ABOUT God and FOR God. What a great way to start the day (and I'm not a morning person) to be with people in our town coming together and saying we love God, we need God and we want our lives to be about God.  

On a political note, it's sad that President Obama is not choosing to recognize this day - to take a little time out to pray for wisdom over all the problems in our country and world.  I know people say he prays privately and I can't judge that, but I think there is a red flag when you have a day set aside for prayer and you refuse to come together with others and ask God to give you wisdom, acknowledging and agreeing together that you need God.  He certainly had time to fill out the NCAA basketball bracket - could we take time to have a prayer time on National Day of Prayer?  Just a thought - I'm not usually political on this blog, I just found that very odd. 

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